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Mushroom and Pesto Omelet

First weekend home in MONTHS calls for a delicious homemade brunch! Today I'll be sharing a recipe for a mushroom and pesto omelet. I paired my omelet with a crescent, GTS gingerade Kombucha, and some more green tea!

Simple ingredients for this delicious omelet!

The secret to a fully cooked omelet is medium/low heat, and lifting the edges of the omelet to allow the egg to run onto the hot pan. I learned this technique watching a chef at a fancy breakfast buffet!



1/2 cup mushrooms sliced

1/4 cup parmesan cheese

2 organic free range eggs

2 tbsp pesto sauce

1 tbsp almond milk


1. Saute mushrooms until cooked through. Set aside.

2. Whisk eggs and almond milk together. Pour egg mixture evenly over hot, non stick pan.

3. Evenly distribute mushrooms on top of egg mixture. Swirl pesto into egg mixture. Cook evenly aprox 5 minutes.

4. Add parmesan over 1/2 of omelet and fold over, allowing cheese to melt.

5. Serve immediately.


Still loving my green tea and honey to compliment the omelet brunch!

Fit Tips


Talk about your goals! This gives you a network of support and someone to celebrate with when you get there!



Be persistent! Miss a workout, or indulge in a treat? Don't let that get you down! Get right back on track, we all get off track sometimes!



Push yourself! Set achievable goals, and review them every day. Meet your goal to work out 2 days/wk for 1 month? Up that to 3 next month!

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