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Starting 2017.. Sick

Coming home from weeks of travel on end and it finally happens. I got sick. I don't recall the last time that I really felt sick, and I thank my healthy living habits for giving me a strong immune system. I know that I ended 2016 with bad eating habits, and minimal exercise, which is why I'm not all that surprised. I haven't taken time off work in over two years, but I did this week. A half day of resting, ramen, chicken noodle soup, and juice got me back on my feet. This has given me more motivation to get back into my workouts and cooking healthy meals because I hate being sick!

I found this simple infographic that explains why exercise helps prevent illness:

I'm glad that I squeezed in a few workouts at the beginning of the week!

To make matters even worse, I've gone from an 80 degrees and sunny (Hawaii!) to 27 degrees and windy (Louisiana)! This is abnormally cold for Louisiana. I've been bundled up, keeping my apartment warm, and drinking a never ending amount of hot tea and cocoa! I'm not a huge fan of medicine, but I know it is necessary sometimes. To minimize my DayQuil intake, I also have been drinking plenty of Yogi Antioxidant Green Tea! I'm not a huge fan of tea, but a cup of this tea with a spoon full of local honey is delicious and good for you too!

The New England girl in me is buried in here somewhere, but until I find her, you can find me on the couch under 3 blankets! :)

Stay Happy, Stay Healthy!


Fit Tips


Talk about your goals! This gives you a network of support and someone to celebrate with when you get there!



Be persistent! Miss a workout, or indulge in a treat? Don't let that get you down! Get right back on track, we all get off track sometimes!



Push yourself! Set achievable goals, and review them every day. Meet your goal to work out 2 days/wk for 1 month? Up that to 3 next month!

© 2016 by Fit Pineapple HQ. 

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