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Worship Wednesday

This week at church, we started the book of Nehemiah. I love how our pastor will go through short series of sermons that all relate to each other. We dive in and dissect chapters or verses each week. This summer, we went through the book of Mark. I learn so much more about how to relate the bible to every day life when we spend a whole hour talking about just one chapter!

Nehemiah chapter one sets the scene for this book; he describes the destruction of Jerusalem and his grief for the city's brokenness. I like how my pastor summarized this book in just one sentence. He said that "God leads us through difficult times so that we can be a blessing to others." In chapter one, Nehemiah demonstrates three key ways that we can be a blessing to others.

1. Neh 1:1-3

ASK. When Nehemiah's brother visits, he first asks how things were for them and how things were in Jerusalem. Often, we ask in passing "how are you?", but how often do we expect a response other than "good" or "I'm well"? If we ask these questions with intention of knowing the truth we may often be surprised. My pastor shared a story about his encounter with a homeless man at a gas station. He expected the man to ask for money, but he instead asked if he was at the bus stop! The man was blind, and couldn't find his way to the bus stop. My pastor, by allowing this man to ask him a simple question, was able to help this man across the street to the bus stop. This story struck me because I often find myself avoiding eye contact with people or passing by folks at work with a quick "how are you?". How often have I passed up the opportunity to be a blessing in someone's life?

2. Neh 1:4

PRAY. When Nehemiah heard the news of Jerusalem he wept, fasted, and prayed for Jerusalem. One of my favorite quotes is "Praying is not the least you can do, it is the most that you can do." It often reminds me that I can try to fix things on my own, but it is Christ who gives me strength and I cannot do it without Him. By praying for situations that are seemingly out of our control, we give control to the one who is always in control! God does not need from us, we need all from Him. This is a wonderful reminder that God is the one who will bring us through these tough times, but he will be there with us and he has brought us there for a reason.

3. Neh 1:5-10

VOLUNTEER. Be a blessing to others by volunteering your abilities and experiences to them. God has blessed us with the challenges he sets before us so that we may be a blessing to others going through a similar time. Though it is often hard to see in the midst of the storm, we come out on the other side of any situation with wisdom from God. It is in those times that I sometimes feel closest to God because I know how desperately I need His truth and wisdom and power.

I am looking forwarding to continuing to read through and analyze this book and how to relate it to ways that I can help others and be a blessing to those who know me. I look forward to sharing my learnings in the coming weeks!

Blessings and Love,


Fit Tips


Talk about your goals! This gives you a network of support and someone to celebrate with when you get there!



Be persistent! Miss a workout, or indulge in a treat? Don't let that get you down! Get right back on track, we all get off track sometimes!



Push yourself! Set achievable goals, and review them every day. Meet your goal to work out 2 days/wk for 1 month? Up that to 3 next month!

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