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Worship Wednesday

This week in my Daily Walk Bible, I'm reading from the book of Daniel. This book is about how God used Daniel as the chosen one to change an entire nation. Daniel was faithful to God in every aspect of his life; in prayer, in wisdom, in diligence, in choices, in judgement, and in conversation. One thing that stuck out to me in Daniel 1:8-16 was Daniel's diligence and respect for the nourishment of his body. Daniel refused to eat what the king had given him and requested instead to be fed vegetables and water. He demonstrated the respect which he gave to his body, for his body was given to him by God.

Our bodies are the vehicle which God uses to do his will in this world. We must respect our bodies by making choices to keep these temples of God healthy! Now an important distinction is Healthy does not equate to Skinny. I see this passage as Daniel demonstrating to us that sometimes it is hard, but we all have choices that we make in regards to our health. By choosing to avoid harmful substances, exercising, or eating a healthy meal, think of it as PRAISING God! Today I pray for the strength that Daniel demonstrates. I pray that he is an inspiration of continued healthy choices in my life and the lives of everyone who reads this!

Blessings and Love,


Fit Tips


Talk about your goals! This gives you a network of support and someone to celebrate with when you get there!



Be persistent! Miss a workout, or indulge in a treat? Don't let that get you down! Get right back on track, we all get off track sometimes!



Push yourself! Set achievable goals, and review them every day. Meet your goal to work out 2 days/wk for 1 month? Up that to 3 next month!

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